Instant card withdrawals allow Binance users to instantly withdraw money from their fiat wallets directly to their credit and debit cards - as long as they have Visa Fast Funds (Visa Direct) enabled.

*Visa Fast Funds (Visa Direct) is a card function that allows transactions to be processed in real-time.
How to withdraw with Instant Card ?
How does it work?
There are only a few steps to instantly withdraw your fiat currencies in the European Economic Area (EEA) Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, and Norway.
First, make sure you have currencies like Euro in your [Fiat and Spot] wallet.
- Under [Wallet], click [Withdraw] - [Fiat], select the currency you want to withdraw, then select [Bank Card(Visa)]. You can see [Instant to your card] shown on your selected card, which indicates that the Visa Direct feature is enabled.

- Choose your linked card or add a new card to complete your withdrawal.

If you are using the mobile app, you can withdraw by tapping [Wallets] - [Withdraw] - [Cash]. Then follow the same steps to complete your withdrawal.

Please note: if you don't have any cards linked to your Binance account, you can add the cards which enable the features of Visa Fast Funds(Visa Direct).
Am I eligible?
In order to be eligible for instant card withdrawals, you must:
- Live in the EEA Countries.
- Have a verified and linked credit/debit card on Binance that has the Visa Fast Funds (Visa Direct) feature enabled.
How long do instant card withdrawals take?
In most cases, your withdrawal request will be processed within 5 minutes. However, processing can take up to 24 hours in some rare cases.
Do instant card withdrawals work for all cards?
No, not all card providers support instant card withdrawals. If you don't see your card listed as an option, this means your card does not support this function. Card eligibility requirements are created by your bank or card provider — please contact them for more information about enabling Visa Fast Funds (Visa Direct).
Are there fees or minimums?
For EEA customers, instant card withdrawal transactions charge a fee of 1%. The minimum withdrawal amount is 10 EUR.
Can I sell crypto directly to my card with an instant card withdrawal?
No, you must first sell your crypto into fiat currencies, such as Euro. After the steps, you can withdraw the funds to your card.