What is Binance API Trading Rules

 Trading FAQs    |      2019-01-04

Binance API Trading Rules

Our risk management system is a machine learning system; there are no hard rules we can give you to follow.

Trading behavior is evaluated against the average user and if you deviate too far, you'll be banned for a specific period ranging from 5 minutes to 3 days.

As far as some sort of concrete way to try and model the system, think of a trading abuse score. Your abuse score will go up if:

  1. You repeatedly "one up" or "front run" the best bid/ask;
  2. You spam orders/cancels very quickly without trading;
  3. Your "conversion rate" is low; "conversion rate" is 'numTrades / (orders + cancels)' over 24hours;
  4. Your "weight" is low; "weight" is 'totalTradedQty / (orders + cancels)' over 24hours;
  5. When trading on symbols that have BNB as the base or quote asset, the amount of abuse score you get for deviating from the norm on the above is amplified.

Binance API Links
API documentation: https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs
API sample code: https://github.com/binance-exchange
API Group: https://t.me/binance_api_english